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Detox Wraps

Detox Mineral Body Wraps

Our detoxifying mineral body wraps work in 3 powerful ways:

  • By infusing the body with a high-quality dose of absorbable minerals

  • compressing the body in wraps

  • using infrared heat.

These 3 healing elements work synergistically to provide numerous health benefits in one treatment.




How do detox mineral body wraps work?

The 75-minute process starts with our mineral rich detoxifying clay mud of your choice. Your body is then wrapped with soft, porous wraps. After you are wrapped, you go into one of our infrared sauna wraps for 35 minutes to sweat, relax and release.


We recommend doing at least 3 mineral body wraps in a 4–6-week period.  After that, we recommend having one once a month or quarterly for preventative self-care.

If you are struggling from chronic health issues, pain and inflammation, having a hard time losing weight, or are working on detoxification, committing to 1-3 wraps a week for a series of at least 10 can have a profound effect on your body and produce amazing results.


Our bodies did not get into a state of chronic health issues or weight gain overnight, so it would make sense that the healing and releasing process will take time and commitment as well. The use of infrared sauna therapy between wraps can provide quicker and more cumulative results.

Benefits of receiving absorbable minerals through the skin in a body wrap:

  • Minerals are necessary to carry out every function of the body, especially detoxification and energy production so these minerals are incredibly capable of stimulating the body to detoxify.

  • Minerals and turmeric will soften, tighten and tone the skin while promoting healing in problematic areas

Our Mineral Enriched Wraps


Our wraps train the body to relax and release, which leads to a drastic improvement in health and vitality. This allows us to age more gracefully and limit our chances for disease.

Some mild detox symptoms can occur in the beginning, though most find the process extremely gentle, relaxing and refreshing.


* This service is not indented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please check our Contradictions page to ensure you qualify for this service. 


  • Seaweed Dead Sea Wrap

  • Green Tea Detox Wrap

  • Aloe Clay Detox Wrap

  • Castor Oil Detox Wrap

  • Magic Coffee Detox Wrap

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